Asian Agri-History Foundation
Asian Agri-History

Asian Agri-History Foundation (Volume 1)

No. 1, March 1997
Indian Agriculture - Alexander Walker
On the Drill Husbandry of Southern India - Thos Halcott
Babur's Observations on Indian Flora, Fauna, and Agriculture - Y L Nene
Spread of Neem from Asia to West Africa - B B Singh and A F Umar
Ripening of Sugarcane: Investigations in the Later Part of 19th Century and Earlier Part of the 20th Century in India - A K Srivastava
Progress Report: Asian Agri-History Foundation - Y L Nene
No. 2, June 1997
Science in Agriculture: A Study in Victorian India - Deepak Kumar
Biodiversity and Subsistence Changes in India: The Neolithic and Chalcolithic Age - K L Mehra
Meteorological Analysis of Meghdoot - H V Balkundi
A Soil Scientist Reminisces: Fifty Years of Soil Science Research to Serve Indian Agriculture - J S Kanwar
Vrikshayurveda of Surapala - Mahesh Dube
Additional Comments on Surapala's Vrikshayurveda - Y L Nene
No. 3, September 1997
Ancient Irrigation Works in Ceylon - R L Brohier
Agriculture and Biology in Rigveda - Y L Nene and Nalini Sadhale
Formal Agricultural Education: Origins of Agricultural Knowledge Systems - L Falvey
Random Thoughts on Indian Agriculture - S M Wakankar
Useful Plants of India - I - Colonel Heber Drury
No. 4, December 1997
The Famine of 1896-97 - George Lambert
Agri-history of Cotton in India: An Overview - V Santhanam and V Sundaram
History of Camel in Indian Context - N D Khanna
Some Indigenous Farming Systems of Northeastern India - U C Sharma
Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Wisdom in the Farming Communities of Asia with Special Reference to India - Rajiv K Sinha and Sonu Bhatia
Etawah Pilot Project: Past, Present, and Future - Five Decades of Community Development - D P Singh
Rice in Indian Folklore - Uma Ahuja, S C Ahuja, and R Thakrar
Science in Agriculture: A Study in Victorian India - A Few Comments - S V Pradhan
ASIAN Agri-History

The opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Asian Agri-History Foundation (AAHF). The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this journal do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of AAHF concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area...

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Asian Agri-History Foundation (AAHF)
College of Agriculture
GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145
U S Nagar, Uttarakhand, INDIA

Mobile No.: +91 88590 20329
+91 76686 41574